Invest in Neurodiversity to Level Up Your Business

We all have skin in this game

As I sipped my matcha latte at a cafe on a beautiful spring day, I realized something…I have a burning thought I want to put out in the universe. Something wonderful will come back. I just know it.

I believe neurodivergent thinkers will use AI to heal the world.

I believe neurodivergent thinkers will use AI to heal the world. If you come across something extra special, it likely came from a neurodivergent thinker. While the DSM says 15-20% of the US population is diagnosed as neurodiverse, we know that there are many more of us. It's no secret that I identify as ADHD. I’m highly creative, an insights savant, and bring an infectious energy to almost everything. If you’ve met me, you know that.

Right now, we're in the early era of AI-driven thinking. Neurodivergent thinkers can add so much to use cases and ethical foundations as we experience the world in a much more nuanced way. When businesses invest in us, they don’t just get mainstream thinking; they get brilliant ideas to reduce friction in user experiences and bring unexpected delight.

By expanding DEI investments to include neurodiversity, companies can reimagine their potential and help the economy.

By expanding DEI investments to include neurodiversity, companies can reimagine their potential and help the economy. There are many of us out here who are ready, willing, and able to serve you if you are compassionate enough to accommodate us. The sad thing is that unemployment is as high as 30-40% among us. Many neurodivergent thinkers are not invited to do certain jobs because gatekeepers say they are “not a good fit” or “not leadership material”, despite having all the qualifications and then some. We know what you are trying to say.

Do you know what renews my hope for the future? Spending time with folks who are active in social justice. Neurodivergent thinkers are not too much to accommodate. The systems built to serve mainstream America from decades ago (and the people who defend them) are too limited. If you let us help you, things will get better for everyone.

Business cases for neurodiversity

Hiring neurodivergent thinkers works for everyone, whether you want a more engaged culture or are obsessed with having an untouchable competitive edge.

  • Engagement: Neurodivergent employees are more likely to be engaged and motivated to tackle tough challenges when their unique traits are appreciated and acknowledged in successful outcomes. Neurodivergent individuals are also more grateful to be understood and given opportunities based on their strengths. This energy is infectious, inspiring their neurotypical colleagues as well.

    • Ad Agency Case Study

      • Challenge: Low engagement scores from neurodivergent employees.

      • Solution: Established a mentorship program and specialized training for managers.

      • Outcome: Higher employee satisfaction and a significant drop in turnover rates.

  • Innovation: Embracing neurodiversity enhances productivity for neurodivergent thinkers and supports a culture of innovation. Diverse teams are known to solve problems faster, be more creative, and produce higher-quality outcomes because they combine different viewpoints.

    • Tech Case Study

      • Challenge: Integration of neurodivergent programmers.

      • Solution: Tailored communication strategies and flexible scheduling.

      • Outcome: 30% increase in development speed and a patent for a new software tool.

Allyship ideas

  • As a manager, you can make a difference

    • Understand Individual Needs: Acknowledge individual strengths and learn what specific adjustments help each team members excel. Deciding what they need is just not helpful.

    • Create Inclusive Environments: Adjust the workspace to reduce sensory overload and offer work-from-anywhere options. Practice what you preach; use clear, concise communication.

      Encourage Peer Support: Facilitate an environment where neurodivergent and neurotypical employees can learn from each other's strengths and build lasting, authentic relationships.

  • Organizational leads can bolster their support

    • Training Sessions: Regular, interactive workshops to educate employees about neurodiversity. Include neurodiversity as an area in mandatory bias training.

    • Resource Groups: Include support networks within the company or larger organizational model. If this is not an option, connect employees with trusted external resources.

    • Feedback Mechanisms: Build safe systems for employees to suggest improvements in workplace inclusivity. It must be clear that there will be zero repercussions for feedback.

    A few external support resources

    • CHADD is the nation's leading nonprofit organization serving people affected by ADHD.

    • Neurodiversity Network is a website of resources for neurodivergent job seekers and students, employers & universities, & the community.

    • ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) is a worldwide professional membership organization for ADHD coaches, and it serves as a resource for coaches, members, and the public.

    • Aspergers/Autism Network (AANE) offers free, membership-supported online adult support groups


Accommodating Neurodiversity @ Work


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